It would appear that I have been more than a little remiss in letting you all know what is going on with your favorite Monkey. I could blame it on being stuck in a tree or I could tell you all that I was abducted by a cult of alien thumb suckers or I could just blame it on Bush like everyone else does, seems to work for the Bush haters as well as the President. But alas, I cannot bring myself to lie to my few, we happy few, followers of the Monkey. I can tell you that I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and losing. But things have not gone unnoticed by yours furry, oh no. In fact I have been watching and watching and waiting for someone to light a candle in this darkness, but I’m glad that no one did because the stench is so bad that things might have gotten a little bit explosive. I mean what kind of world are we living in where a drug addled drunk who only had one song make it to the Top 40, yes I’m talking about you Amy Winehouse and your messed up grill BECAUSE of all the drugs you took, gets more press then a highly decorated soldier who overcame huge hurtles to become one of this nations Joint Chiefs of Staff, yes I’m talking about General John Shalikashvili, he told everyone that met him to call him Shally. Now, I knew this man personally, and I can tell you that you would not have met a nicer man in the world, even if he was a General Officer and I was just a Non Comm. This man had a sense of humor like no other person I have ever met. Does he get a headline in a newspaper? Nnnnooooooo. Does he get on the cover of Time? Nnnnoooooooo. Who does? Amy Drunkhouse, and if you all think that she DIDN’T OD, then do I have a deal for you. We “celebrate” this drug user but not a real hero.
And speaking of heroes and those that are not. When did it become passé for a church to protest soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. What the hell is the Supreme Court thinking by asshats the right to do this. Now I know what some of you are saying, “But AM, they are using their Constitutional rights, rights that have been granted by the First Amendment.” And yea, I would tend to agree with you, BUT there is also a little thing I like to call RESPECT, you know Aretha sang about it, these asshats thing nothing of getting in the faces of grieving families and then they have the gall to say that they are a Baptist church. What, because they SAY they are a Baptist church then that makes it alright to do this? And if 99.999 % of your “congregation” is made up of your “family members” then doesn’t pretty much make you a cult? I mean that’s what they called Jim Jones’ and David Koresh’s “church”. If nothing else they are a hate group, but do you think that they are treated like any other hate group. Nope, because their mouthpiece happens to not only be a member but the daughter as well. Personally, I think we should give them and the media a one way ticket to Iran and let them try that shite there…
But hey...whatdoIknow?