It seems that these asshats are pissing everyone off these days. As I stated below, earlier this month Texas A&M formed a human wall of maroon to block these jackasses from protesting at a soliders funeral. Now, over the weekend it appears that the where just south of Seattle, Wa. at the combined base Lewis-McCord, (or if you will, Ft. Lewis and McCord AFB). Now why they were there is unclear but show up they did, well 6 of the cowards anyway, and it appears that even zomibes don't want them around. The zombies as well as the cops outnumbered them 100 to 1. Now I'm not sure if the zomibes chanted, "BRAINS, BRAINS" (read that in a zombie voice, it's better) or not but if they did or even were going to eat their brains, I think that the poor zombies would have starved to death, oh wait they are already dead, but you get the jist. Now as you may or may not know, I am all about a good zombie hunt, but it this case I think I am more than willing to give these flesh eaters a pass for doing what they did to these souless, heartless morons.
Greeting and slobbers all you monkeittes, it seems that your favorite Monkey was a tad remiss the last two post and did not welcome our newest follower, Angela. I am very sorry for that oversight and shall flog myself with a wet banana peel for it. Seems we are growing by leaps and bounds, albeit baby leaps and bounds, it’s growing just the same.
SO, it seems that we have the return of those moronic asshats from that one church that protests at the services of the men and women that paid the ultimate price for this country. And it appears that they are winning the hearts and minds and getting many many friends along the way, just ask the students of Texas A&M, where earlier this month they formed a human wall to block these jackasses who were at yet another soldiers funereal. A very big HOO AHH to those students. Now these same said ass clowns are protesting the victims of the shooting in Colorado. Is it just me or does anyone else think that this church should just fall on these people? Or, here’s a better one, when one of them dies, especially their so called leader, people, more over the families of those that had these dip shits protesting their loved ones, outside one of their funerals with sing that read “YEA, YOUR DEAD”, “HOW’S HELL”, “DON’T THINK YOU’LL BE GETTING ICE WATER ANYTIME SOON”, or some such. Oh the poetic irony, but of course they would probably sue everyone that did that, cause it’s ok to trample on the rights of others, especially those that fight for the right to let these so called people do what they do, but oh no you better not do the same thing to them, cause if you do then you’re in the wrong and there will be a judge that will tell you that AND fine and/or jail you for it. Well I for one will be there when that happens with a bull horn and fireworks. Now I know what some of you are saying, “Now Monkey, you don’t really want the church to fall on these people and kill them do you?” Well, no. I don’t believe in violence for violence sake, I just think that since they call themselves a church and have the protection of the government and all the tax breaks that go along with it, that it would be funnier then hell if God in his great sense of humor decided that he had had enough of these people and brought the church down so to speak. What? You don’t think that God has a sense of humor? Come on, look at a platypus. You can’t tell me he didn’t create that to mess with Darwin.
And there is even more stupidity afoot, I mean other then these “churchgoing” asshats. Now we have all heard about the devastating shooting that happened in Colorado, and if you haven’t you really need to get out from under your rock. It now appears that some people who may or may not have been in the theater at the time of the shooting, are suing Warner Brothers for making the new Batman movie. That’s right dear readers; I said that Warner’s is being sued for MAKING the Batman movie. Really?????? Suing a movie studio for making a movie would be like suing McDonalds for making hot coffee and than putting it in your lap. Oh wait, that all ready happened. Where in God’s name do these people come from? Are they so hard up for money or attention that they just HAVE to tie up the courts with stupid law suits? But unlike the coffee law suit I can easily see that there will be a judge that will allow the suit AND the people that are bringing the suit will win, all because some bleeding heart judge will agree that the movie is violent and there for to be deemed inappropriate for anyone and that will force the studios to stop making any sort of action movie and only make kids movies or it may bring back the musicals of old, like Singing in the Rain or West Side Story, oh wait you can’t do the latter because it has simulated violence. OK, so they will bring back the Ethel Mermen musicals. Movies are made for one thing and one thing only, mindless entertainment as my friend Dion is so fond of saying and he’s right. Where else can one go to get away from ones troubles and worries for 2 to 3 hours. Movies have been and will continue to be a great escape for people and bringing a law suit saying it was the movies fault as well as the studios fault for making the movie is a big load of road apples. If you don’t want to see the movie or spend your money at someplace, then don’t. It was your choice to go there or where ever, say Chik-fil-A, which is awesome by the way, then don’t go. It is that fracking simple. But people now days seem to think that it’s all about them and that everyone owes them everything. Ronald Regan once said… Aw hell why don’t I let the Gipper tell you what he said?

But Hey…WhatdoIknow!!!!!