First, I would like to thank Vickie and Brenna for becoming followers of the Annoyed Monkey, he was a little less annoyed, that is until he realized that everyone has lost their fracking mind. I mean really, is it really all about you and what you can get out of things. And what’s with the whole, “I can’t let you in front of me when I’m driving, I might need those .02 seconds to get where it is I’m going. Duhhh huhhh. Dumb ass, hope you get a ticket or 20 and you have to walk to where you want to go. Let’s see how fast you are then.
To paraphrase the Great Mortimer Snerd (Vickie got the No Prize for the last question I asked, now let’s see if anyone can tell me who the Great Mortimer Snerd is), “I’m not a Repelican or a Demotazy.” I DON’T BELONG TO ANY PARTY. Get that??? I do what smart people do or at least should. I look at all the issues and read BOTH sides and then make an informed opinion. This is something that I feel everyone should do. Why? Well let’s see… Then you can’t say you didn’t know or that you felt it would be ok if… well if that’s the way you go through life then I feel sorry for you and can’t wait for the day that the Zombie Apocalypse hits so we can thin out the herd. Some people just shouldn’t breed. Take for example Lindsay Lohan. Here was a once talented actress who has become identified as a running joke in Hollywood. As anyone that doesn’t live under a rock knows, she is a drunk and an embarrassing one at that. When she’s not falling out of her top, she’s running her car into something. She has been given so many chances to change her way of life that she should have a toilet stall in the LA Court House named after her. Most recently she was ordered to wear an ankle bracelet to detect alcohol. You can just guess how that went. Not even a week and it went off and instead of throwing her talentless drunk ass in jail she was let go on a $200.00.00 bond. Now being a Monkey and all I have to say that my math sucks, but even I know that if you start with $100.000.00 and then pay another $200.000.00 you would have paid a grand total of $300.000.00 to keep your ass out of jail. All the while you’re NOT WORKING!!!!!! Now here’s the kicker folks, you ready…. are you sure??? If you or I had done that we’d be in jail faster than you can say Habeas Corpus and we’d end up jumping the broomstick with Bubba, your 6’10” 250lbs “loverboy”.
What is it with celebrities that makes them think that they can do or say anything they want and we’ll listen? Oh right, the tabloids. Cause everyone want to know what Kim or Brittney, or Susan, or Megan, or Tim, or Tom, or Sean has to say, cause I sure as hell live my days wondering what they’re going to wear or eat or what they might say, cause Lord knows it’s GOING to be impotent.. I mean important. Here’s how I feel. You’re an actor or singer or whatever. Your job is to entertain me, that’s what I give you money for. I… am your customer and if I don’t like what you are selling then I will take my hard earned money and go somewhere else. Keep your opinions to yourself. I don’t give a rats ass if you like or dislike this President or that one, if you like the war or not, but you should by God support our troops, because they are the ones that gave you that freedom to do what you do and say all the fecal matter that you have spewing out of your mouth. (Oh, hey guys, you still have a little in the corner of your mouth). So here’s an idea that maybe a head of its time… SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO YOUR JOBS!!!!!!!!!
Then there’s the actor Donald Glover, I guess he’s a good actor, I just don’t know if I have ever seen him in anything. He has gone on Facebook or Youtube or some such to try to get people to support him so that he can audition to play Spiderman in the new Reboot, and we all know how I feel about them, I say great, let him audition, only thing is, he’s black. Now before anyone gets their panties in a twist, I really don’t care if he’s black, red, brown or mauve, I just don’t care. BUT… if you’re going to play an icon stay true to the forum, don’t change shit just because you feel you need to be PC, and if you haven’t caught on by now, let me make this perfectly clear, I AM NOT PC, NEVER HAVE BEEN, NEVER WILL BE. If you’re such a pansy that your feels get hurt by someone telling you the truth, then I have a great piece of advice for you Mary. Stay home and bury your head in the sand and stop bitching about everything. That’s the problem with things as I see it, people bitch, whine, moan and complain about the littlest thing, and then sue you because you chose to exercise your First Amendment Rights, which clearly states, and I quote “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Hey if you don’t believe me then check it out yourself, I promise you that’s what it says. If people gave a damn about something other than themselves or celebrities then maybe things just might get fixed. And I’m not just talking about little things or the things that the so called media wants you to believe in, I mean really, how many of you own a Toyota or knows someone who does. Yes there was a problem and yes Toyota did a recall to insure that the problem was corrected, but the media went on for months about how unsafe these vehicles were, but has the media jumped on the fact that GM has recalled 1.5 million vehicles because they could catch fire? Nope. It was a small blip on the media radar. Where’s all the hoopla over this? I hear no one calling the head of GM on the carpet like they did Toyota. I am not a conspiracy nut by any mean, those people are funny and when I need a good laugh I go to one of the many sites they have and laugh until I am either crying or peeing my pants, usually both. But could it be that GM really does stand for Government Motors???
But hey…WhatdoIknow!!!!!
you know there is a lot of truth in what you have said. people who have a lot of money or status or in the public eye are no different than the rest of us. We all put our pants on one leg at a time but for some reason people with the above mention think they know what is best for the rest of us. why? they don't even know what is good for them.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteAgain you really sould join us, (join us, join us, join us), is it working yet? :)
And yes there is a lot of truth in what was said, but until we decide that we are not going to take it anymore and stop listening then what do we do?
you pose a good question. if you read the bible then you know our nation has to fall which we are well on the way to doing this. Our country needs to remember why we formed a nation in the first place and those of us who speak way to softly need to start speaking up.