MERRY CHRISTMAS faithful followers of the Monkey and to those who just drop by for a peek behind the curtains. And yes, I did say Merry Christmas. If you want the politically correct version I suggest you look elsewhere, cause it’s sure not here and will never be here. I mean really, what has all this politically correct nonsense gotten us anyways but whiney cry babies that want to sue you for something they themselves have done. Because they got their widdle feewings hurt. Now before some of you get your new panties that you got for Christmas in a wad, and you know who you are, I am NOT saying that one should not think before one opens that pie hole under their noses, because they should, because speaking before one thinks is a form of bullying, but that’s another subject all together, so stand by. That being said, let’s get back in task shall we?
For those that have followed the Monkey, you know that I am a monkey of the world. I have been places and seen things that would amaze and delight you as well as straighten your short and curlys. And in all my travels, America is the only place where our so called “Law Makers” have to argue over what to say during this supposed happy time of the year. Do we really need a law on the books telling us what we should or shouldn’t say during the holidays?
Now, we have all heard the stories about someone who has a Jewish friend who greets them with Merry Christmas and not Happy Chanukah or Happy Holidays or anything of that sort. Well, I got one better. As you may or may not know, I severed proudly in this country’s military and I have been all over the world. And it was during one of these sojourns that I found myself in the Middle East, not my first time mind you, but my first time during a war. I was in this quaint little place called Saudi Arabia for a little thing called the Gulf War. Now I did my damnedest to TRY to speak the language, as I always do when I am in someone else’s country, I mean it’s the polite thing and they get a kick out of watch you make a fool out of yourself trying to speak it. But back on point. Here I am, your humble monkey, who is a God fearing Christian in a Muslim world and those that chose to speak to me during the holiday season when I was so far from home, greeted me with a simple Merry Christmas. Here where individuals that most likely had as much understanding of God as I did Allah, but yet still found it in their hearts to greet me in a way that made me feel that old Christmas spirit.
So why is it that someone that really doesn’t understand the meaning of what was said say it and not think twice about it, yet here in our own country do we need to be told that it is OK to say Merry Christmas? I mean are we that far gone and that stupid that we have to be led to the trough and told what we can say and how we are to say it? Really????? I think that the next time someone says “Happy Holidays” to you that you should hit’em with your cane and give them a loud… BAH HUMBUG TO YOUR HAPPY HOLIDAY, IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
But Hey…WhatdoIknow!!!!!!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
First off I want to wish everyone, especially all my followers a very Merry Christmas and an even better New Year. I hope you all get what you want and for my followers, you have my undying gratitude, thank you for being here, because without you, I would just be a voice in the wilderness.
Ok, so for those that have followed me, the Great and Powerful Monkey, you will know that I am all about the freedoms that we have here in this great country of ours. But there does come a time when it gets a bit to redonkuless. And yes I am speaking about the ass hats that are in each major city, it seems. Now I, like 99.999999999999999999999999% of the people out there feel the pinch of the economy and I have had to tighten my belt even more, which is really difficult this time of year, (Mmmmmmmm, fudge), and we all know what the price of gas is doing. So who am I to complain if people want to express their rightful indignation at the Wall Street and the Government who seems to want more and more of our freedoms and wants you to pay for it AND for all the illegal’s in the country. No gentle reader I am not bemoaning those people who have a reason to bitch, those that work hard trying to put food on the table for their families, or trying to keep the lights on or even a roof over their heads. Those people who take a few hours out of their day, before and after work, to stand up for what they believe in. I am speaking to and of the multitude of ass hats that make a bad situation worse. Those who don’t have a job and think that it is our fault that they don’t and want us to support them. Well I have news for them, they can take a very long walk off a very short pier. I can barely support myself and my little monkeys and Mrs. Monkey, and they want me to support them as well? No fracking way!!!!! I’ll tell them the same thing that I tell my oldest, you want money, work for it. But oh no, not these ass clowns. They would rather sit on there well feed asses and do nothing but destroy someone else’s property, pick fights with the police and then go on national television and say that they did nothing wrong that it’s everyone else’s fault and see how badly they are treated. Well, I’m tell you this for nothing, you push, hit, take a swing at, spit at, kick, throw something at a cop you deserve to get your ass pepper sprayed and hauled off to jail. Concerned citizens want to know who’s going to pay for all the overtime that is being generated by the police departments and the waste management companies, well here’s the check Mr. and Mrs. America, it’s you that will have to pay for these spoiled children who seem more interested in watching TV and playing video games. Me, personally, I think that they should be made to pay for what they have wrought, hold them accountable for the mess that they have made. And therein lays the rub ladies and gentlemen, no one wants to be the one to deal with telling these two year olds that there are consequences to ones actions and that they have a pretty huge ass bill to pay for this “party” of theirs.
But hey…WhatdoIknow!!!
Ok, so for those that have followed me, the Great and Powerful Monkey, you will know that I am all about the freedoms that we have here in this great country of ours. But there does come a time when it gets a bit to redonkuless. And yes I am speaking about the ass hats that are in each major city, it seems. Now I, like 99.999999999999999999999999% of the people out there feel the pinch of the economy and I have had to tighten my belt even more, which is really difficult this time of year, (Mmmmmmmm, fudge), and we all know what the price of gas is doing. So who am I to complain if people want to express their rightful indignation at the Wall Street and the Government who seems to want more and more of our freedoms and wants you to pay for it AND for all the illegal’s in the country. No gentle reader I am not bemoaning those people who have a reason to bitch, those that work hard trying to put food on the table for their families, or trying to keep the lights on or even a roof over their heads. Those people who take a few hours out of their day, before and after work, to stand up for what they believe in. I am speaking to and of the multitude of ass hats that make a bad situation worse. Those who don’t have a job and think that it is our fault that they don’t and want us to support them. Well I have news for them, they can take a very long walk off a very short pier. I can barely support myself and my little monkeys and Mrs. Monkey, and they want me to support them as well? No fracking way!!!!! I’ll tell them the same thing that I tell my oldest, you want money, work for it. But oh no, not these ass clowns. They would rather sit on there well feed asses and do nothing but destroy someone else’s property, pick fights with the police and then go on national television and say that they did nothing wrong that it’s everyone else’s fault and see how badly they are treated. Well, I’m tell you this for nothing, you push, hit, take a swing at, spit at, kick, throw something at a cop you deserve to get your ass pepper sprayed and hauled off to jail. Concerned citizens want to know who’s going to pay for all the overtime that is being generated by the police departments and the waste management companies, well here’s the check Mr. and Mrs. America, it’s you that will have to pay for these spoiled children who seem more interested in watching TV and playing video games. Me, personally, I think that they should be made to pay for what they have wrought, hold them accountable for the mess that they have made. And therein lays the rub ladies and gentlemen, no one wants to be the one to deal with telling these two year olds that there are consequences to ones actions and that they have a pretty huge ass bill to pay for this “party” of theirs.
But hey…WhatdoIknow!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Amy Drughouse and crazy “church” asshats!
It would appear that I have been more than a little remiss in letting you all know what is going on with your favorite Monkey. I could blame it on being stuck in a tree or I could tell you all that I was abducted by a cult of alien thumb suckers or I could just blame it on Bush like everyone else does, seems to work for the Bush haters as well as the President. But alas, I cannot bring myself to lie to my few, we happy few, followers of the Monkey. I can tell you that I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and losing. But things have not gone unnoticed by yours furry, oh no. In fact I have been watching and watching and waiting for someone to light a candle in this darkness, but I’m glad that no one did because the stench is so bad that things might have gotten a little bit explosive. I mean what kind of world are we living in where a drug addled drunk who only had one song make it to the Top 40, yes I’m talking about you Amy Winehouse and your messed up grill BECAUSE of all the drugs you took, gets more press then a highly decorated soldier who overcame huge hurtles to become one of this nations Joint Chiefs of Staff, yes I’m talking about General John Shalikashvili, he told everyone that met him to call him Shally. Now, I knew this man personally, and I can tell you that you would not have met a nicer man in the world, even if he was a General Officer and I was just a Non Comm. This man had a sense of humor like no other person I have ever met. Does he get a headline in a newspaper? Nnnnooooooo. Does he get on the cover of Time? Nnnnoooooooo. Who does? Amy Drunkhouse, and if you all think that she DIDN’T OD, then do I have a deal for you. We “celebrate” this drug user but not a real hero.
And speaking of heroes and those that are not. When did it become passé for a church to protest soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. What the hell is the Supreme Court thinking by asshats the right to do this. Now I know what some of you are saying, “But AM, they are using their Constitutional rights, rights that have been granted by the First Amendment.” And yea, I would tend to agree with you, BUT there is also a little thing I like to call RESPECT, you know Aretha sang about it, these asshats thing nothing of getting in the faces of grieving families and then they have the gall to say that they are a Baptist church. What, because they SAY they are a Baptist church then that makes it alright to do this? And if 99.999 % of your “congregation” is made up of your “family members” then doesn’t pretty much make you a cult? I mean that’s what they called Jim Jones’ and David Koresh’s “church”. If nothing else they are a hate group, but do you think that they are treated like any other hate group. Nope, because their mouthpiece happens to not only be a member but the daughter as well. Personally, I think we should give them and the media a one way ticket to Iran and let them try that shite there…
But hey...whatdoIknow?
And speaking of heroes and those that are not. When did it become passé for a church to protest soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. What the hell is the Supreme Court thinking by asshats the right to do this. Now I know what some of you are saying, “But AM, they are using their Constitutional rights, rights that have been granted by the First Amendment.” And yea, I would tend to agree with you, BUT there is also a little thing I like to call RESPECT, you know Aretha sang about it, these asshats thing nothing of getting in the faces of grieving families and then they have the gall to say that they are a Baptist church. What, because they SAY they are a Baptist church then that makes it alright to do this? And if 99.999 % of your “congregation” is made up of your “family members” then doesn’t pretty much make you a cult? I mean that’s what they called Jim Jones’ and David Koresh’s “church”. If nothing else they are a hate group, but do you think that they are treated like any other hate group. Nope, because their mouthpiece happens to not only be a member but the daughter as well. Personally, I think we should give them and the media a one way ticket to Iran and let them try that shite there…
But hey...whatdoIknow?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The slow death of our nation’s heroes
I know, I know, I know, it’s been a while since I have been telling you what I think or feel on anything… ok let’s be real here, on EVERYTHING. I could just say that I fell out of my tree and I couldn’t get up or that life got in the way, but I have never lied to you and I never will, unlike some, I feel the truth holds its own light against the dark of any lie. The truth is I have been busy, but more importantly I have grown to feel that no one is listening, that is except my four great followers who I thank for sticking with this Monkey through it all. Thank you and may you NEVER have monkey poo in your shoe. (Move over Dr. Seuss) So, I am asking each and every one of you that reads this blog to tell someone AND leave a comment., I mean If you agree with something or if you don’t that’s great. I could be wrong about something, I doubt it, but it might happen and I am ALWAYS up to a spirited debate. The other reason I have not written in a while is because I was told that I know way too much about what celebrities are doing or not doing and that person was more or less right, I mean where else can you find a whole group of ass hats in one place, but Hollywood?
Well I can answer that one for you so you don’t have to spend the day surfing the web to find that answer. The answer is right in front of 99.9999999% of all veterans. It’s called the Veterans Administration. These are the ass hats that are SUPPOSED to ensure that our nation’s heroes are taken care of, the men and women who have sacrificed and some to this day continue to sacrifice for this country and the people in it. I had thought that the problem has just in the town I live in, but as I investigated I found that it goes a lot deeper than just the VA here, I know of this vet who has what the VA terms a “Service Connection Disability”, that is to say that this person, this hero, was hurt or injured while defending this country. The VA has even got a rating system to say just how FUBAR’ed you really are. A vet is rated on a “scale”, from 0 to 100. If you are rated at 50% or higher you have certain “privileges” such as free prescriptions or no co-pay or what have you. You are also supposed to have preference in job hiring’s such as a 10 point veterans preference instead of a 5 point. Now I know that there are those of you out there reading this that are saying, “Well no shit Monkey, tell me something I don’t know”. Well I am not “recapping” the VA system for you guys cause I know that you know this and can tell your friends that don’t know what I’m talking about, what I’m talking about. I’m talking to the person that has never served nor has any friends that have served. I know, hard to believe in this day and age right? But there you are.
So you’ve sat throw all that and are probably asking “Monkey, what has you so annoyed?”Well, gentle readers, you have it wrong. I am NOT annoyed, I am downright PISSED OFF, so the Annoyed Monkey is the really Pissed Off Monkey right now. As I stated the VA in the town I’m in is treating the vets in this area like what comes out of the back end of a cow. I know this vet who has a service connected disability who worked at the VA. Now this person is a really nice person and who loves their job, they love working with the vets and they have a “connection” because both of them are vets. Well, this person was sick more often than not and was made even sicker by the “doctors” who say they are treating this person, but the drugs they give only makes this person worse and to cap it all off this person suffers from PTSD, (that’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for those not in the know). Needless to say that this gallant hero is living through their own version of hell. And what does this Government Agency, that spends Millions on ads, they tell you that they care do for this person? (coughs bullshit into hand) They certainly don’t help them; they fire them BECAUSE of their disability. Now keep your underoos on folks, I know what you are going to say and I have said that and more believe you me. You see the crafty bastards that they are know that this person would have a HUGE, I mean HUGE law suit if they actually came right out and said that they fired this vet BECAUSE of their disability, so they gave this person a raise then said that their job performance was in question. Yea, I smell it too. I wish I could say that this was a onetime occurrence, it’s not. This VA harasses, bullies and intimidates every vet that is in a position hire than a grounds keeper, because 99.99999999999999.99999999999% of ALL vets, disabled or not are only hired to either sweep floors or be grounds keepers, not a one is in a position of authority. I mean who better to put in a leadership role than someone who has actually lead people. Oh shit, what AM I thinking, can’t have that, that would make way to frigging much sense. There is another disabled vet that they forced to quit because they were doing the same thing as they did to the others, but instead of letting them fire them this person quit and they have three, yes 3, small children at home AND this person is a single parent. I also know this other vet who took the VA to court over the actions that were doing and the VA came right out and told this vet that “We’re the Federal Government, we have deep pockets and we’ll keep this in court until you are living on the streets broke”. This was said to a vet who gave freely to this country and this is the thanks they get. I have spoke to other vets about the “doctors” in the VA. IF they get to see them, (if they are not driving hours on end to get to this VA and sit for four to six, yes that’s 4 to 6 hours, BEFORE they even see a nurse), the “doctors” don’t even really check out the patient or really listen to what they are there for. They are “famous” for giving out medications that only make the person worse and when that person complains it’s the vets fault because they didn’t say anything. I mean it’s a bunch of camel hockey, this one vet went in for pain in the ribs and can feel them move when he breaths and the “doctor” touches the spot that hurts and he comes off the table and all “doctor” can say is take Motrin. And he tells the “doctor” that he was doing that for the last two weeks, since he was there last and the nurse said that the “doctor’ said to take the Motrin, even after the “doctor” put in this vets medical records that Motrin does NOT work for him. Then it has to be shingles, never mind that this vet showed NO signs or symptoms of shingles that’s what he was diagnosed with. I’m told that this vet talked to a doctor friend and that the doctor laughed and said No dude, you DON’T have shingles, I can tell just by what you have said that you have separated ribs”. Hmmm. Now this Monkey has never went to medical school, but even I could have told this vet that he didn’t have shingle and this doctor, just by listening and not looking or touching could tell that this vet didn’t have shingles. These are the types of “doctors” the VA gets. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the vets.
Now I know that you are saying “But Monkey, it can’t be like that everywhere, it just has to be happening there!” Well faithful followers and you not so faithful, it’s not. There is/was a vet in Dallas Texas that was thrown in jail for doing what the VA TOLD him to do. Seems that this hero was depressed and was really ill, with cancer and was contemplating suicide and called the VA Suicide Hotline (now it should be pointed out that this vet called the hotline more than a few times because he was not able to be seen by the Dallas VA Mental Health and he wanted to talk to someone, which is what I would think a hotline like that is for) and was told by the hotline to go to the VA Emergency Room, once he got there he called back and told them that he was there, they called the VA “Police”, who arrested him for, get this… you ready?... Are you sure?...Well sit down cause this one will knock you on your ass, he was arrested for making harassing phone calls. He sat in jail until he was brought to court where thankfully the judge was a vet as well and throw the case out, but by then the cancer he had spread and when I last heard he only had six months to life and that was three months ago.
Now I can go on and on and on and on and so on and so forth but unless I can tell two people and they can tell two people and so on and so on and we come together as one and work FOR and not against or nations heroes it’s not going to mean a bucket of warm panther piss because people are just to self absorbed to give a shit. We, as a people, need to take care of our vets. We need to not only thank them for the sacrifices they AND their families make for this country but we need to give them a lot more than just one day a year.
But Hey….. WhatdoIknow
Well I can answer that one for you so you don’t have to spend the day surfing the web to find that answer. The answer is right in front of 99.9999999% of all veterans. It’s called the Veterans Administration. These are the ass hats that are SUPPOSED to ensure that our nation’s heroes are taken care of, the men and women who have sacrificed and some to this day continue to sacrifice for this country and the people in it. I had thought that the problem has just in the town I live in, but as I investigated I found that it goes a lot deeper than just the VA here, I know of this vet who has what the VA terms a “Service Connection Disability”, that is to say that this person, this hero, was hurt or injured while defending this country. The VA has even got a rating system to say just how FUBAR’ed you really are. A vet is rated on a “scale”, from 0 to 100. If you are rated at 50% or higher you have certain “privileges” such as free prescriptions or no co-pay or what have you. You are also supposed to have preference in job hiring’s such as a 10 point veterans preference instead of a 5 point. Now I know that there are those of you out there reading this that are saying, “Well no shit Monkey, tell me something I don’t know”. Well I am not “recapping” the VA system for you guys cause I know that you know this and can tell your friends that don’t know what I’m talking about, what I’m talking about. I’m talking to the person that has never served nor has any friends that have served. I know, hard to believe in this day and age right? But there you are.
So you’ve sat throw all that and are probably asking “Monkey, what has you so annoyed?”Well, gentle readers, you have it wrong. I am NOT annoyed, I am downright PISSED OFF, so the Annoyed Monkey is the really Pissed Off Monkey right now. As I stated the VA in the town I’m in is treating the vets in this area like what comes out of the back end of a cow. I know this vet who has a service connected disability who worked at the VA. Now this person is a really nice person and who loves their job, they love working with the vets and they have a “connection” because both of them are vets. Well, this person was sick more often than not and was made even sicker by the “doctors” who say they are treating this person, but the drugs they give only makes this person worse and to cap it all off this person suffers from PTSD, (that’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for those not in the know). Needless to say that this gallant hero is living through their own version of hell. And what does this Government Agency, that spends Millions on ads, they tell you that they care do for this person? (coughs bullshit into hand) They certainly don’t help them; they fire them BECAUSE of their disability. Now keep your underoos on folks, I know what you are going to say and I have said that and more believe you me. You see the crafty bastards that they are know that this person would have a HUGE, I mean HUGE law suit if they actually came right out and said that they fired this vet BECAUSE of their disability, so they gave this person a raise then said that their job performance was in question. Yea, I smell it too. I wish I could say that this was a onetime occurrence, it’s not. This VA harasses, bullies and intimidates every vet that is in a position hire than a grounds keeper, because 99.99999999999999.99999999999% of ALL vets, disabled or not are only hired to either sweep floors or be grounds keepers, not a one is in a position of authority. I mean who better to put in a leadership role than someone who has actually lead people. Oh shit, what AM I thinking, can’t have that, that would make way to frigging much sense. There is another disabled vet that they forced to quit because they were doing the same thing as they did to the others, but instead of letting them fire them this person quit and they have three, yes 3, small children at home AND this person is a single parent. I also know this other vet who took the VA to court over the actions that were doing and the VA came right out and told this vet that “We’re the Federal Government, we have deep pockets and we’ll keep this in court until you are living on the streets broke”. This was said to a vet who gave freely to this country and this is the thanks they get. I have spoke to other vets about the “doctors” in the VA. IF they get to see them, (if they are not driving hours on end to get to this VA and sit for four to six, yes that’s 4 to 6 hours, BEFORE they even see a nurse), the “doctors” don’t even really check out the patient or really listen to what they are there for. They are “famous” for giving out medications that only make the person worse and when that person complains it’s the vets fault because they didn’t say anything. I mean it’s a bunch of camel hockey, this one vet went in for pain in the ribs and can feel them move when he breaths and the “doctor” touches the spot that hurts and he comes off the table and all “doctor” can say is take Motrin. And he tells the “doctor” that he was doing that for the last two weeks, since he was there last and the nurse said that the “doctor’ said to take the Motrin, even after the “doctor” put in this vets medical records that Motrin does NOT work for him. Then it has to be shingles, never mind that this vet showed NO signs or symptoms of shingles that’s what he was diagnosed with. I’m told that this vet talked to a doctor friend and that the doctor laughed and said No dude, you DON’T have shingles, I can tell just by what you have said that you have separated ribs”. Hmmm. Now this Monkey has never went to medical school, but even I could have told this vet that he didn’t have shingle and this doctor, just by listening and not looking or touching could tell that this vet didn’t have shingles. These are the types of “doctors” the VA gets. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the vets.
Now I know that you are saying “But Monkey, it can’t be like that everywhere, it just has to be happening there!” Well faithful followers and you not so faithful, it’s not. There is/was a vet in Dallas Texas that was thrown in jail for doing what the VA TOLD him to do. Seems that this hero was depressed and was really ill, with cancer and was contemplating suicide and called the VA Suicide Hotline (now it should be pointed out that this vet called the hotline more than a few times because he was not able to be seen by the Dallas VA Mental Health and he wanted to talk to someone, which is what I would think a hotline like that is for) and was told by the hotline to go to the VA Emergency Room, once he got there he called back and told them that he was there, they called the VA “Police”, who arrested him for, get this… you ready?... Are you sure?...Well sit down cause this one will knock you on your ass, he was arrested for making harassing phone calls. He sat in jail until he was brought to court where thankfully the judge was a vet as well and throw the case out, but by then the cancer he had spread and when I last heard he only had six months to life and that was three months ago.
Now I can go on and on and on and on and so on and so forth but unless I can tell two people and they can tell two people and so on and so on and we come together as one and work FOR and not against or nations heroes it’s not going to mean a bucket of warm panther piss because people are just to self absorbed to give a shit. We, as a people, need to take care of our vets. We need to not only thank them for the sacrifices they AND their families make for this country but we need to give them a lot more than just one day a year.
But Hey….. WhatdoIknow
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