Thursday, December 22, 2011


First off I want to wish everyone, especially all my followers a very Merry Christmas and an even better New Year. I hope you all get what you want and for my followers, you have my undying gratitude, thank you for being here, because without you, I would just be a voice in the wilderness.

Ok, so for those that have followed me, the Great and Powerful Monkey, you will know that I am all about the freedoms that we have here in this great country of ours. But there does come a time when it gets a bit to redonkuless. And yes I am speaking about the ass hats that are in each major city, it seems. Now I, like 99.999999999999999999999999% of the people out there feel the pinch of the economy and I have had to tighten my belt even more, which is really difficult this time of year, (Mmmmmmmm, fudge), and we all know what the price of gas is doing. So who am I to complain if people want to express their rightful indignation at the Wall Street and the Government who seems to want more and more of our freedoms and wants you to pay for it AND for all the illegal’s in the country. No gentle reader I am not bemoaning those people who have a reason to bitch, those that work hard trying to put food on the table for their families, or trying to keep the lights on or even a roof over their heads. Those people who take a few hours out of their day, before and after work, to stand up for what they believe in. I am speaking to and of the multitude of ass hats that make a bad situation worse. Those who don’t have a job and think that it is our fault that they don’t and want us to support them. Well I have news for them, they can take a very long walk off a very short pier. I can barely support myself and my little monkeys and Mrs. Monkey, and they want me to support them as well? No fracking way!!!!! I’ll tell them the same thing that I tell my oldest, you want money, work for it. But oh no, not these ass clowns. They would rather sit on there well feed asses and do nothing but destroy someone else’s property, pick fights with the police and then go on national television and say that they did nothing wrong that it’s everyone else’s fault and see how badly they are treated. Well, I’m tell you this for nothing, you push, hit, take a swing at, spit at, kick, throw something at a cop you deserve to get your ass pepper sprayed and hauled off to jail. Concerned citizens want to know who’s going to pay for all the overtime that is being generated by the police departments and the waste management companies, well here’s the check Mr. and Mrs. America, it’s you that will have to pay for these spoiled children who seem more interested in watching TV and playing video games. Me, personally, I think that they should be made to pay for what they have wrought, hold them accountable for the mess that they have made. And therein lays the rub ladies and gentlemen, no one wants to be the one to deal with telling these two year olds that there are consequences to ones actions and that they have a pretty huge ass bill to pay for this “party” of theirs.

But hey…WhatdoIknow!!!


  1. this is a very sore subject with me since I have two teenage son's that have been told to get jobs and still have not. Living in a house where there is only ONE income to pay all the bills, food and gas is not very fun. I have been in healthcare for over 20 years and this states medicaid/welfare system is sooooooo abused it is a wonder that there is any money left for people who really need it. do you realize that the taxes taken out of our paychecks goes to support the people that take advantage of the system. An eye opening experience is going to a state office and people will not believe who comes in, driving what, dripping in jewelry, and the latest cell phone. Why do I want to pay for them when I can't afford to have a cell phone myself. I know that there is a great debate on which tax bracket gets taxed the most but when the middle class working families are considered the new poor people due to over worked, under compensated, and more taxation than the rest of the world... i think we know who is supporting this country without the reaping the benefits. I don't understand how they think I can help pay their bills when I have trouble paying mine.

  2. Dear Anonymous:
    As the song goes, "If the devil danced in empty pockets, he’d have a ball in mine." I completely understand what you are saying, and yes it is hard to be a one income family in this economy. And yes it is the middle class that is having to pay for it all. I believe that the rich need to pay their fair share and not hide; I mean get breaks because they have so much money, but until the entire nation raises up and tell our Government that enough is enough then nothing will get done. President Reagan tried to curtail, if not stop the wastefulness of our welfare system. He felt that we were fast becoming a welfare state and felt that people needed to take some responsibility for their lives. But unfortunately there are far too many out there that just don’t give a crap about anyone other than themselves and feel that we OWE them. What we owe them is a swift kick in the ding ding, tell them to pull up their big boy/girl pants and think of others, but until the zombie apocalypse, which I really, really hope comes soon, then it is up to us, the people to do something about these selfish “children”. I say, take the tit away from them, cut them off. Now I am not saying that we should not help those who are down and need the help, but for God sakes, put a time limit on it. 90 days , no more than 120 days, maybe a bit longer due to this economy, but those that have gotten fat off our hard work, those that have had ten bgillion kids and drove brand new cars, yank them off and say no more.
    I believe that is what the good people of the Occupy movement want, but you have these same ass clowns who only want to take your hard earned money, are the same ones that are hurting this movement.

  3. It seems like we agree that we are living with a generation that believes we owe them everything and they don't have to work for anything. I so wish the days of the Brady Bunch, Happy Days and Lavern and Shirley were back. It seemed like things were simpler and children grew up with respect for older people and learned what it meant to have satisfaction in earning everything you got including respect. My oldest learned it and hopefully my youngest will too but what the hell happened to the two in between?

  4. Well you can partly blame President (I did not have sex with that woman) Clinton when he signed the Child Protection Act of 1993, but mostly one really needs to blame the parents. To many parents want to be buddies with their kids and NOT a responsable adult. You see it in the tabloids, hell go to any mall and you'll see it. Parents need to be parents plain and simple, if you don't want that responsibility then don't have kids, there are plenty of folks out there that want to have kids AND can be the adult in the relationship.
