Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We have become a nation of morons!!!!! Part 2

First of all I would like wish this great country a Happy Belated Birthday and a belated Happy 4th to you all and to all the men and women, past and present who every wore the uniform of our country, Thank you for all that you have done and all that you have sacrificed for our freedom. I’d add myself to that Thank you, but since I’m the one that is thanking everyone I think it would be a little conceded of me to do so, but what the heck. I’m not conceded, I’m convinced. Before I get to far into this I feel that I should warn you that this could get a little bumpy, so if you need a potty break or you fell that you need to get your drink on and snack on, then by all means go ahead and do it now, we’ll wait. No, really we’ll wait… hummm hum ummmm hum, doo da dooo dee doo… oh your back, see I told you we’d wait. Always trust the Monkey. I would like to welcome Adrienne to our little tree. Now if we could just get others to join up and/or at least leave a comment or two.

Apparently, neither Megan Fox nor Lindsey Lohan reads this blog, because if they did they would have seen what was coming like a speeding freight train. If Megan Fox had read the first entry, (The First of Many), she could have seen what happened to another actress when she couldn’t keep her trap shut and was bad mouthing people. Ms. Fox opened her pie hole once too often and called the man who made her a star, Michael Bay, Hitler. That was the last straw, I’m sure for Mr. Bay and he fired her no talent ass from Transformers 3. And what did she do, went and got herself hitched, even after she said that she would not get married for a long time. I’m sure her agent had something to do with it. “Now Megan, you’ve been fired and no one wants to work with you because your bat shit crazy, so to appear normal you should do something normal, like… get married.” I’m sure that’s how it went. And as for Ms. Lohan, well she’s “supposed” to go to jail for 90 days. Not for driving drunk or running into parked cars or even for failing to show up to court when she was supposed to instead of hanging out on a yacht. She’s lucky that she’s ONLY getting 90 days, well more like 20 to 25 days or even doing the “celebrity jailhouse shuffle”, walk in, get processed and walk out, if I was the judge I would have sent her away for longer than that, what with the crocodile tears and “FU” painted on her finger nails, pointing at the judge wiping said tears away. She’s getting this “time” in jail for skipping class, her “mandatory” alcohol education class. Come on, seriously? If you or I had the fecal matter written on our finger nails they would have held us in contempt of court and thrown away the keys. Now I’ve been told recently that I seem to know more about this then most people. Well, what can you expect when that’s ALL that comes out of the idiot box these days? It’s either that or mistruths.
For those that do follow the “news”, there are two schools of thought. Right wing and left wing. Now I have never really understood what that means, to me wings are wings and can be quite tasty, especially with blue cheese, umm wings. I watch enough of the “news” programs to know that they are full of bull shit and one need’s to watch these programs with a bull shit detector. They ALL have grains of truth in them and it is up to you to pick out the truth. For example, let us take a look at one thing that seems to have everybody’s panties in a twist. That good old thing called “Senate Bill 1070” or as just about everyone that don’t know how to read calls it, “that fucking Arizona bill”. Now I ask you, how many of you have actually read it or at least knows someone who has read it and can read it to you. I have. I have read all 17 pages of this law, just as I have read all 1, 400 pages of the Health Care Bill. Wow, do I have too much time on my hands or what. People are bitching, whining, moaning and complaining about something that they don’t have a full understanding of, they’re pissed because they either can’t read, don’t read or are just so damn lazy that they let the “News” tell them what they should hear. In all the up roar over this not one person both in an outside the government, of any kind. County, State or Federal, not a one has said that this law mirrors the Federal law that is on the books. Title II, Chapter 7 of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act says almost the same thing as Senate Bill 1070 does. What people are zoning in on is one paragraph found under the section on smuggling, and that would be Section E – “NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER LAW, A PEACE OFFICER MAY LAWFULLY STOP ANY PERSON WHO IS OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE IF THE OFFICER HAS REASONABLE SUSPICION TO BELIEVE THE PERSON IS IN VIOLATION OF ANY CIVIL TRAFFIC LAW AND THIS SECTION.” This is the part where everyone is saying that the police, the po-po, five-0 or whatever the kids are calling them now can stop a person that takes their kid to get ice cream. Ok, what part of “REASONABLE SUSPICION” don’t people get? The police have to articulate, that means to be clear, coherent, convey or just plain verbalize for those of you playing along at home that don’t have a third grade education like I do. The police HAVE to have a reason to stop someone or it could be their asses on the line. Now, hold on, I’m NOT saying that there might be some who abuse the law, even the letter of the law, but every job out there has someone that does that, but come on let’s get the facts straight, ma’am. The President has gone so far as to call this bill “misguided”. But he is not willing to let the laws that are already in place be enforced. Why? If you could tell me the answer to that I would be one happy monkey. Arizona has stated many, many time that they cannot keep doing business the way they are and that they are close to broke because they are doing these things for illegal immigrants. California and a few other states have called for a boycott of Arizona, while other states have begun looking at how they can do the same thing. Now, I hear a few of you grumbling back there, muttering that I’m un-American. That what I’m saying is not the American way. Well, let me put a kibosh on that right now there, Sparky. As I have stated before I love my Country, you cut me and I bleed Red, White and Blue. I believe in what the inscription that is found on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." I believe that if you want to come to this country and do so legally, then by all means welcome, how I can help you get settled in your new life. But if someone breaks that law, then they are a criminal and should be treated as such. This country was founded on the principals that anyone could come and make it here. They came, learned the language and became an AMERICAN, not a insert you nationality here-American. People were proud to say that they were Americans, but not anymore. Now you have to say that you an XYZ-American and no matter how you slice it, that’s just wrong.
The other thing about the “news” is that they tell you what you should hear. I mean has anyone heard about the huge protest in New York City (New York City? Get a rope! Hmm wonder where that’s from?) at Ground Zero? Did you, huh, huh???? I had to do some hunting to find out anything about it. Why? Because it wasn’t on the News, they didn’t feel that it was news worthy. A protest of 5,000 to 10,000 people is not “news worthy?” And just what were all these people protesting? The fact that the Governor and the Mayor are not doing anything to stop a Mega-Mosque from being built on the site of the World Trade Center. Putting this “religious symbol” on the ashes of those who died there almost nine years ago. I read something a while back that has stuck with me and I believe it. The saying was “Not all Muslims are Terrorists, but all Terrorists are Muslims.” I have known some Muslims and I have been invited into their homes, I have broke bread with them and not one of them wanted to kill me because I was an infidel they were the kindest people I’ve met. But what does it say when not only Americans gather in protest to stop something like this, but immigrants from India, Egypt, Russia, Europe, Israel, Africa and Iran. IRAN!!!! One has to assume that there were more than a few Muslims in that crowd and they don’t want a Mosque built there either. But here’s the part that scares me the most, not one major news station or news paper reported on the story. Why? Have we become so complacent in our lives that we forgot where we were on that day. Or are we just going to listen to the so called “experts” who say that we shouldn’t remember what happed that day and we should just forget what we felt? Me, I say they can just ingest feces and decompose.

But hey… WhatdoIknow