Thursday, July 5, 2012

What in the world is a Walla Walla?

    Good evening all you faithful followers of the Monkey and you not so faithful and you people who are just dropping by to see what wonderful and exciting news I have to bring you from this big blue marble we here like to call… Earth!

    Dateline Walla Walla: It seems that the quaint little town in the South Eastern part of Washington State has been all over the news, Facebook and You Tube of late, and it has nothing to do with its onions, which are delicious by the way, so go to your favorite Supermarket and ask for them today.

    It seems that the reason that Walla Walla has been in the news is due to a shooting. Now I know that shootings are not a new thing, but it’s the outcome of said shooting that seems to making all the hoopla. It seems that a young man broke into a local store, a store that has been a part of the community for a very long time and a store that everyone who lives in that town knows its owner not only works there but lives there as well. It would seem that one of the cities fine upstanding citizens (read: gang member with a long arrest record) wanted to shop at this store, the only problem was that it was about two thirty in the AM, that’s right gentle readers, it was 2:30am and the owner, who is elder, and his wife were sleeping when the owner heard glass breaking. Now NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE but the two people who where there actually knows what happened for sure. But that has not stopped a select part of the community, that part that has gang affiliations and possibly is here illegally.

    It was this crowd that has been calling for the arrest of the man who shot and killed the individual that broke into, not only the man’s business, but his home, where his wife was, they want this elderly man to go to jail for defending what was his. The rumors circulate around this like flies around a dung heap. One such rumor is that the reason this upstanding gentleman broke into the store is because he needed money for shoes, money that his mother had refused to give him. The very same mother who has said that this person who was an admitted gang member, was a good boy and he didn’t do anything wrong.

    This has clearly divided the once sleepy hamlet of Walla Walla. Reading the Facebook pages for the two side’s one would think that they were running for political office. The mudslinging and name calling makes it seems like Obama and Romney are in town. Clearly, this is a no win situation and there are losers on all sides and ones heart can go out to both families. One family lost a son, brother and friend, the other family has lost a husband, father and friend and while one will never have to worry again, the other will have to life with what happened that night for the rest of his life. People are calling for justice for the dead young man, 20 or 30 years ago people would have said that the man that broke into the store got justice. But not anymore, now if you commit an illegal act, it is you that have all the rights, not the one you stole from, killed, raped or anything else that you can do to someone, the victim will continue to be a victim even if they were to win in court.  

But Hey…WhatdoIknow!!!!!


  1. Consequences for your actions...this kid got exactly what he deserved, nuff said. It's not a race issue but the community (mostly gang) are touting it as such. Wasn't the kid also a convicted felon? Where is the justice for those of us that work hard for our homes, belongings and crime free life!? I'm sick of it! Let this punks death be a warning that law abiding citizens are finished with the gang bullshit. Get am education and do something

  2. Oops...get AN education, quit sucking off the system and raise your children with pride, morality, ethics...

    1. And after I posted this I wanted to let you know that I miss being there with you guys on the night new co-workers figured out the neck thing...they are always sneaking up on me more please...don't hold back either!!

    2. Aw, you know me. When do I ever hold back. And get ye self to the nightshift.

  3. Dear Anon:
    Hear, hear. I could not agree more.

  4. I agree with what was said. I have never understood why a mother would be proud of her son being in a gang especially one that is very active. Yes, he is young and it is sad to lose someone that young, but it was his actions that sealed his fate. When people can't defend their property, homes, businesses, family you have got to wonder what is wrong with this once great nation we live in.
