Thursday, June 3, 2010

The first of many

Well this is my first post on this here site, so far so good. Big Brother, the Wicked Witch of the West and everyone in between has not come banging on my door, but I guess I would have to post this first huh? So, I bet you all are wondering just what it is I do here well it’s simple I dispense a healthy dose of common sense. I will be touching on everything from movies and TV to politics and the weather if it so suits my fancy and believe you me that my fancy has many, many suits. I have done a blog before but thanks to my father’s urgings I have once again picked up the pen… well ok, the key board, and set out to stride across this land and smack people in the back of the head, (YOU LISTENING HOLLYWOOD?) and ask the immortal question, “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I’ll give you preview of what I mean. The following is not a paid advertisement for anything.

Let’s all have a pity party for Katherine Heigl

As I’m sure everyone has heard by now, Katherine Heigl was on The David Letterman Show on the 20th of July exclaiming how “cruel and mean” it was to be back on the set of Grey’s Anatomy because she had to work a 17 hour day. She told Letterman “Our first day back was Wednesday, and it was, I’m going to keep saying this because I hope it embarrasses them, a 17-hour day, which I think is cruel and mean,” Boo fricking who!!!!!!! And Letterman, not to be out done by Heigl or anyone, asked in a half jokingly manner if she got a lunch break. Come on Dave, you know better than anyone that you do, its union rules. Before you were a late night hack and a political mouth piece you acted in a couple movies, albeit bad ones that I’m sure that you want to forget, but you know the rules. But Heigl, who also knows the union rules shot back with, “Yes, we do get an hour lunch. That was nice. Thank God for that hour of lunch.”
Come on, how long are the producers of this show going to allow her to “shit where she eats?” What did she do before Grey’s Anatomy? A show called Roswell where she was a supporting character. It wasn’t until she was doing Grey’s Anatomy that she really started getting noticed and the movie offers started coming in. As anyone who has been in TV or movies can tell you shoots can be very long and if you are on a science fiction show where your character has to be in make up your days are even longer, just ask anyone that has been in Star Trek or Babylon 5. And to make this worse she insinuates that she was on the set shooting the whole time. Come on Katherine, be honest. If you weren’t shooting you were off smoking, or sitting in you dressing room or trailer or munching off the food line. You want people to feel sorry for you and you want the attention.
What Letterman should have asked her, but is too much of a chicken shit to do so for fear he might offend is masters is, “17 hours huh? How does this compare to the long hours that the men and women in uniform put in, for not even a quarter of your pay? And you’re not even on the set the whole time. You can go somewhere nice and relax where they can’t. You just really like complaining, don’t you? Why don’t you just shut the hell up and be thankful you have a job.” But he won’t.
That’s how I see it. But hey, whatdoIknow?
As we all know by now, Ms. Heigl has been let out of her contract due to her incessant bitching whining and complaining. She is trying to make us think that she is some big movie actress and we can just forget that she is a whiny little bitch that will go on national TV and whine how she is being treated unfairly. Grow up Katherine; believe me when I say that there are a lot more talented out of work actors waiting for you to piss off one too many people, and you Megan Fox just might want to pay attention.
But hey… WhatdoIknow

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